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Get involved with your local Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee (SECAC) or the Maryland Special Education State Advisory Committee (SESAC)

What is SECAC?

A Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee (SECAC) is a committee established by the local school system to seek meaningful input from parents, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues relative to the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and the achievement of students with disabilities. To work most effectively a SECAC operates as a partnership between parents and families, community leaders and organizations, educators, and administrators at the local level. A local SECAC enables a local director of special education to collaborate with others on local issues and it has the potential to facilitate positive changes in the delivery of special education services and the achievement of students with disabilities.

SECAC Groups: What are they and what do they do for me?

Where do I find my local SECAC?

Contact your county’s public school system

What is SESAC?

The Maryland Special Education State Advisory Committee (SESAC) is established in accordance with the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Part B). The mission of the SESAC is to advise and assist the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services in administering, promoting, planning, coordinating, and improving the delivery of special education and related services to assure that all children with disabilities, three through 21 years of age, and their families have access to appropriate education and related services.

contact us today to get involved