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After the School Bus Stops Coming…It’s Not as Scary as You Fear

By Sari R. Hornstein, Ph.D.

Entitlements to Eligibilities–for Young Adults with Disabilities–Elucidated and Explained

This article provides an overview of the process, and agencies and funding mechanisms involved in the transition to adult services for students with disabilities in Maryland. The existing literature pertaining to transition questions is disparate, complex, confusing and off-putting for families trying to imagine and plan for the future of their transitioning youth with disabilities.

The information in this article:

  • disentangles the rules and regulations that apply to individuals;
  • clarifies the roles of various governmental entities and shows how they intersect to support the efforts of individuals who are evaluating work and living options, and
  • explains how their missions have evolved and changed over the years.

Sari R. Hornstein, Ph.D., is an historian and writer and a regular contributor to Washington Parent on issues relating to the Mysteries of the Special Needs Child and educational policies that affect children.

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