Continue to refine your child’s IEP and understand the IEP process
IEPs end when the child exits high school. If the child will be entering college, you may want to review the supplemental aids section of the IEP and consider obtaining a 504 Plan to continue those supports in college.
What is the difference between Accommodation and Modification?
Accommodations are changes in HOW a student accesses and demonstrates learning, but do not reduce learning expectations. Rather, they provide access to reduce the effects of a student’s disability.
Modifications or alterations change WHAT your child is expected to learn and refer to practices that change, lower, or reduce learning expectations.
IEP Checklist (PDF)
Maryland Accommodations Manual for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
Determine with your IEP team which state assessment tests are most appropriate for your child
Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)
Alt – MSA
Maryland Guidance for IEP Teams on Participation Decisions for the Alternate Assessments
What do I do if the school is not implementing my child’s IEP, or if I do not agree with the services suggested by the school?
To discuss concerns about your child, use the following steps:
- Talk with the teacher/therapist.
- Talk to your child’s case manager.
- Talk with the IEP chairperson.
- Talk with the principal.
- Talk with the Special Education specialist assigned to your school zone.
- Talk with the Assistant Superintendent’s office staff.
- File a formal complaint or file for mediation or due process.
The Family Support & Dispute Resolution Process
MSDE facilitated IEP brochure and FAQ (not all local school systems provide facilitated IEPs)