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What is an education consultant?

A Consultant has specialized training and experience in the field of special education. This individual can assist families with decisions involving the choice of school programs and a child’s educational needs, which can include developing and reviewing the Individual Education Plan (“IEP”), observing a child’s performance in school and monitoring the implementation of the IEP.

What is a special education attorney?

The primary difference between an Educational Attorney and an Educational Consultant is the professional license to practice law that allows the attorney to provide legal advice and counsel regarding a child’s educational rights pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”). An attorney has an ethical duty to the child, who is the client.

Both the Educational Attorney and Educational Consultant can attend IEP team meetings and assist the family in developing a plan to ensure that the child’s special education needs are appropriately met.

How do I find an education consultant?

See our Providers and Services database for Education Consultants or Advocates.

How do I find an education attorney?

See our Providers and Services database for Special Education Attorneys.

Where can I learn more about special education law?

Maryland State Department of Education Special Education & Early Intevention Services 

Disability Rights Maryland – Special Education Resources


The Parents’ Place of Maryland

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