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How do I find a college program that tailors to students with Asperger’s and Autism?

See our Providers and Services database.

Think College: College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities

This website is designed to share what is currently going on, provide resources and strategies, let you know about training events, and give you ways to talk to others. The information is for transition aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college. It provides resources and tools for students, families, and professionals.

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights

More and more high school students with disabilities are planning to continue their education in postsecondary schools, including vocational and career schools, two- and four- year colleges, and universities. As a student with a disability, you need to be well informed about your rights and responsibilities as well as the responsibilities postsecondary schools have toward you. Being well informed will help ensure you have a full opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the postsecondary education experience without confusion or delay.

Navigating College: A Project from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Navigating College is an introduction to the college experience from adults with Autism who’ve been there. The writers and contributors are Autistic adults, and they are offering the advice they wish someone had given them when they headed off to college. “We wish we could sit down and have a chat with each of you, to share our experiences and answer your questions. But since we can’t teleport, and some of us have trouble meeting new people, this book is the next best thing.”

Autism After 16 – Leaving Free and Appropriate and Avoiding Expensive and Mismatched
Postsecondary education is not an entitlement to anyone, and therefore the cast of characters in the decision-making process greatly diminishes. Gone are the IEP meetings where the conference table was once surrounded by therapists, teachers, advocates and governing interests. What was once free and appropriate education quickly becomes expensive and mismatched, if one’s not careful. So many parents find themselves asking: What considerations should we make when deciding on a postsecondary education program?

Pathways Program of the Workforce & Technology Center of Maryland
Pathways provides educational support services for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The DORS Pathways Program is a collaboration between DORS and two- and four-year colleges throughout the state.

College for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Students, Parents, and Educators
This guide is free of charge and covers educational opportunities, preparation steps, knowing your rights, different types of disabilities, and recommended resources for additional information.

Resource Guide for College Students with Disabilities
This guide was created to bring awareness to rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities, help them learn how to take advantage of myriad services, and provide expert advice from a post-secondary education administrator who has spent years serving college students with disabilities.

The Pros and Cons of Beginning College Virtually for Students with Learning Challenges

Business Programs and Resources for Entrepreneurs or Graduates with a Disability
If you’re interested in getting a business degree or becoming an entrepreneur and you have a disability, this resource provides information about accessing school, loans and financial aid, as well as helpful ideas for getting started as a business person.

College Guide for Students with Disabilities
College students with disabilities have rights that allow for specific accommodations to help them succeed in school. Learn about legal protections, scholarships, technologies, and other assistance available to students with disabilities.

Learning Disorders and Law School: Strategies and Resources
This site includes resources applicable for all students with learning disabilities.


Financial Aid, Scholarships and Resources for Students with Autism and Learning Disabilities

College Funding for Students with Disabilities
A guide to paying for college by Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT).

Federal Student Aid
Your source for free information from the U.S. Department of Education on preparing for and funding education beyond high school.

College Resources for Students with Disabilities
A Guide from Affordable Colleges Online that includes an overview of the various cognitive, physical, or other types of disabilities students face while attending school, reviews of several technologies and advocate groups available to students, and tips and resources to help students transition from college to career.

Guide to Online Schools for Students with Disabilities

Guide to Online Schools has been helping prospective students find the right online college since 2004. Our free, easy-to-use tools allow prospective students to find schools based on degree, tuition, student recommendation rate, and military benefits, among other important attributes.

Speech Disorder Resources for College Students

Whether your goal is to advocate for alternative assignments, improve a speech, language, or communication disorder, or make friends with others who share and understand your disorder, there are resources out there for you. What is available to you may differ depending on your school, all universities will have some options for students with a wide variety of speech, language, and communication disorders. This guide will explain the resources that you may find on campus and how to find them.

A Guide on How to Get Scholarships and Grants for Students with Disabilities
A wide range of scholarships, grants, and tips on how to apply for them from MoneyGeek.

How to Find and Apply for Scholarships, Loan Forgiveness and Other Tuition Assistance
This guide focuses on helping students with disabilities find the resources they need to pay for and succeed in college.

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