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Explore preschool options

What preschool options are available?

At age 3, your child may qualify for public preschool special education services.

Contact your local Child Find office

How do I find a preschool for my child?

See our Providers and Services database for Early Intervention providers, County Public School Systems, and Private and Non-Public Education.

Autism Program Checklist for Parents
This checklist, developed by The Shafer Center, will help guide you so that you can make an informed decision regarding your child’s programing when visiting schools and covers topic relevant to programs, staffing,facilities and parent communication. This checklist does not cover basic health and safety standards that all licensed programs must meet as these vary by state.

What is the Extended IFSP option?

Extended IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) Option for Age 3 to Kindergarten effective Feb. 1, 2010.

MSDE was awarded federal stimulus funds to offer families in local Infants and Toddlers Programs the option to extend early intervention services through an IFSP beyond age 3 to kindergarten age. If a child with a current IFSP is determined eligible for special education and related services, Maryland will offer parents the choice of:

  1. The Maryland Extended IFSP Option – The child and family would continue to receive early intervention services with an educational component that promotes school readiness and incorporates pre-literacy, language, and numeracy skills through an IFSP until the child enters kindergarten or is eligible to enter kindergarten under Maryland law; OR
  2. Special education preschool services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) as a student with a disability. However, once a parent consents to special education and related services through an IEP, the child is no longer eligible for services through an IFSP.

For more information, please contact your local Infants & Toddlers program.

Maryland Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Document

Birth to 5: A Family Guide to Early Intervention Services in Maryland

What is MSDE’s Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services?

The DSE/EIS provides leadership, support and accountability for results to local school systems, public agencies, and stakeholders in Maryland’s comprehensive Birth-21 system of services for students with disabilities and their families.

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