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Learning Styles Fact Sheet

By Confident Student

Every individual has a preference for learning. The way a learner predominantly perceives, interacts with, and responds to the environment characterizes one’s style of learning. By understanding a person’s learning style you can help maximize his or her potential, both in and out of the classroom:

Visual – Visual learners typically have strong visual processing skills and learn best by seeing information. Learning strategies include: color-coding, pictures, charts, flash cards, videos and doodling.

Auditory – Auditory learners learn best by hearing information. They can typically remember information more accurately when it has been explained to them orally. Learning strategies include: taping lectures, study through discussion, mnemonics, play music (w/o words) while studying.

Kinesthetic – Kinesthetic learners need to learn “hands-on.” They need to be actively involved with the learning process in order to gain understanding. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and become distracted because of a need for activity/exploration. Learning strategies include: physical movement, role playing, constructive projects, experiments, interactive computer software, and field trips.

Kinesthetic/Tactile – Kinesthetic/Tactile learners master material by “doing.” They need to touch things and actively explore their environment. These learners need to write things down and incorporate fine motor skills when they learn. Learning strategies include: arts & crafts, math manipulatives, highlighting, writing, drawing, making dioramas.

** Of course, while many crossover between styles, most people have one dominant learning preference.

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