HELPLINE: (443) 330-5341

Notice and develop skills that could lead to future employment

Advocate for jobs and job training while your child is still in school.

Work with your child’s IEP team to identify the employment and education needs of your child. Those needs may be met through completion of a diploma, academic college prep, or with the development of employable skills through job training and supported employment.

Project SEARCH
The goal of Project SEARCH is to prepare high school seniors with developmental and intellectual disabilities for employment.

Develop employment skills and make sure your teenager has employment experiences, either paid or volunteer.

“Transition to Employment and Independent Living for Individuals with Autism and Asperger’s” By Temple Grandin
Autism After 16 – “Entering the World of Work”

Autism Program Planning Success for Employment (APPS)
The APPS program assists individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders with self-determination and employment readiness skills.

APPS Information Sheet
Includes the program overview, goals, and admission criteria

DORS Pre-Employment Transition Services Fact Sheet

Make sure your teenager has a resume that may include a list of skills and competencies as well as a video portfolio showing him/her at work.

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