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Prepare to transition out of high school

Begin the process of transition planning.

By Maryland regulations, transition planning begins at age 14.

Maryland Transition Resource Guide
This guide provides tips and resources to help plan for adulthood and life after high school. Get ready to consider choices, explore options, and take action to prepare for your future.

Maryland Transitioning Youth
Here you will find information and resources for transition planning, postsecondary education, employment services and more. This site has a focus on Maryland services.

Maryland Transitions
Resources, information, and tools to help teens, families, schools, and communities to prepare teens with disabilities for future possibilities

Navigating the Transition Years
This handbook is an attempt to bring together in one place information and tools to navigate the transition process. The handbook is written for families, but the intent is that with this information, families can support their youth in self-advocacy.

Friends of MANSEF Transition Toolkit
In an effort to assist parents like themselves, the Friends of MANSEF (FOM) created this toolkit to help families navigate their child’s transition to adulthood.

A Transition Planning Resource for Life After High School

My Future My Plan is a curriculum designed to motivate and guide students with disabilities and their families as they begin early transition planning for life after high school. It promotes positive attitudes and self-advocacy, and assists students, parents, and professionals to make the transition planning process more effective.

DDA Transitioning Youth
Transitioning Youth comprise a special category of eligibility and priority for services. Through the Governor’s Transitioning Youth Initiative the DDA, in collaboration with the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS), has been able to fund supported employment and other day services for eligible graduating students who otherwise may not have received DDA services.

Autism Speaks Family Services Transition Tool Kit
The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit was created to serve as a guide to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.

Abilities Network’s Community and Employment Partners Program
Through Abilities Network’s Community and Employment Partners program, staff work with individuals and their families to develop a customized plan that guides individuals to personal success.

Get to know your young adult’s transition coordinator.

Contact your county’s public school system.

Parents should make sure that the IEP contains achievable, measurable objectives that reflect the student’s transition goals.

Chart Your Own Future: How Your Individualized Education Program (IEP) Can Help (PDF)
Although you cannot control every aspect of your school education, you do have the power to make changes in your education program. As you influence major parts of your IEP, you gain more freedom and more control over what happens to you.

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