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“My Child Has Autism” Wallet Cards

By Pathfinders for Autism

Meltdowns happen. And sometimes we are strong and offer words of wisdom, sometimes we are quick with witty comebacks, and sometimes we are…. speechless. Sometimes it’s easier to say nothing and to just hand someone a card that explains your situation.

My Child Has Autism wallet cardsDownload a pdf file to print this card on your printer (cut out and fold on the dotted line)

Download this pdf to print double-sided business cards sheets using Avery template 8371

We also have a limited supply of printed cards at our office. Call 443-330-5370 to request cards.Meltdowns happen. And sometimes we are strong and offer words of wisdom, sometimes we are quick with witty comebacks, and sometimes we are…. speechless. Sometimes it’s easier to say nothing and to just hand someone a card that explains your situation. Download a pdf file to print this card on your printer (cut out and fold on the dotted line) Download this pdf to print double-sided business cards sheets using Avery template 8371 We also have a limited supply of printed cards at our office. Call 443-330-5370 to request cards.

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