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Rental options

Apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)

These lists, if open, are typically 7 years long. The person can always refuse the assistance when their name comes up on the list if they chose not to lease through this program.

“Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Announces DDA/MFP Bridge Subsidy Program”

The DDA/MFP Bridge Subsidy Program provides rental assistance to eligible participants for up to 5 years, at which time the person will receive permanent assistance through the local Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program or in public housing. Participants will pay 30% of their monthly gross income toward their rent, which includes a utility allowance. The remainder of the rent is paid by the Bridge Subsidy.

“Rental Allowance Program (RAP) Fact Sheet 2010”

The purpose of the Rental Allowance Program (RAP) is to provide grants to local governments to provide flat rent subsidies to low-income families who either are homeless or have an emergency housing need. The goal of the program is to enable these households to move from homelessness or temporary emergency housing into more permanent housing and to return to self-sufficiency.

“Section 8 Overview”

The federal Section 8 program began in 1975 as a way to assist low-income families, elderly people, and people with disabilities to rent decent, safe, and affordable housing in the community. Through this program, individuals and families receive a “voucher” — also referred to as a “subsidy” — that can be used in housing of their choice that meets the Section 8 program requirements. These subsidies are long-term and considered permanent housing.

“Renting a Home of Your Own”

This booklet is designed to be a tool for people looking to rent – a tenant training manual. This guide includes: spaces for listing apartments/houses you have seen, a glossary of terms, a guide for choosing what type of place is right for you, how to plan for yourself, a budget worksheet, rental insurance, and your responsibilities as a tenant.

“USDA Rural Development Rural Housing Programs”

There are a number of different housing programs to assist lower income individuals and families, who do not have adequate housing. The programs are only available in rural areas, usually in towns of up to 10,000 population. USDA Rural Development can help people afford suitable apartments or to buy, repair, or build their own homes.

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