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Social and Relationships

By Confident Student

Who is a friend?

How do I help my child make and keep friends?

  • Model appropriate ways of interacting with others.
  • Discuss how it is important to treat everyone in a respectful way and what that means.
  • Use social stories to describe different situations your child may encounter with friends.
  • Provide your child with opportunities to interact in a variety of settings.
  • Offer the child’s insights about friendships by talking about the importance of your friendships and the things you like to do with friends.
  • Teach your child conversation skills by practicing turn-taking and asking questions.
  • Structure activities so that the child works and socializes in groups or pairs.
  • Highlight the strengths, interests, and hobbies of your child as well as those of his friends.
  • Help your child to recognize facial expressions and their associated emotions with the use of pictures, videos, mirrors, and your own face.
  • Share information about after-school and community-based activities and encourage your child to participate in them.
  • Use role playing to practice different social situations.
  • Help your child and other adults to understand the differences between supporting others and helping them too much.

Parent Tip — The Art of Being Social

Social Thinking – Michelle Garcia Winner

Social Skills and Autism – Resources from Autism Speaks

Social Skills Activities for Kids with Autism

Who is a stranger?

How to Protect Children From Kidnapping and How to Teach Stranger Safety Skills

What is appropriate talk and touch?

Social Circles – Personal Space & Safety

How do I find social skills classes, therapists or other tools?

See our Providers and Services database for child psychologists.

See our Providers and Services database for Social Skills providers.

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