Registration Process for Our Free Family Fun Events
At Pathfinders for Autism, we host FREE family fun events and recreational opportunities for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, of all ages, and their families.
Some events, which are recreational, e.g., sailing, climbing, swimming, etc., might only allow for a small number of participants. In these instances, we reserve the openings for the individual with ASD and, welcome family members to observe and enjoy the accomplishment of the participant.
Our registration process is as follows:
- Register online at to be entered in the lottery for a chance to win passes.
- If selected, please RSVP! Confirm your attendance or release your passes to a family on the wait list.
All FREE FAMILY FUN EVENT lottery registrations will be open for a minimum of 72 hours. If more individuals register for an event than we have available slots, a random drawing of names will be conducted. You will be notified if you are among the selected and will be asked to “RSVP” via email or telephone. Otherwise, you will be on the wait list.
Thank you for the kind consideration to other families by notifying us when you are no longer able to attend one of our events.
Please be aware:
- While the events are free, Pathfinders for Autism does incur a cost for the events. Please respect the RSVP and let us know if you will be attending or not.
- Most of our events have a waiting list.
- The effect of a “no-show” impacts not only our expenses, but more importantly, keeps another family from enjoying the event.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Participation in events sponsored by Pathfinders for Autism (PFA) is completely voluntary and participants assume all risks associated with the activity. PFA is not responsible for injuries, or loss or damage to person or property, that may occur during the event.