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Interactive Online Workshop: Special Education Services in Maryland During COVID-19 Closures

Presented by: Attorney Alexandra Rosenblatt from The Law Offices of Mark B. Martin 


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Pathfinders for Autism and The Law Offices of Mark B. Martin are offering a live and interactive online session to learn more about Maryland State Dept of Education’s guidance on providing special education services to children with disabilities during school closures, provide tips to parents and caregivers on how to use this guidance to ensure their child’s school provides them with appropriate services and supports during this time, and what to do to ensure your child receives the appropriate compensatory (make-up) services when they return to school. 

Alexandra Rosenblatt is an attorney at the Law Offices of Mark. B. Martin, P.A. where she represents clients in the areas of special education, school discipline, guardianship, and other education related disputes throughout Maryland.  She represents families at IEP meetings, mediations, and administrative hearings and conducts trainings for parents around the state.  Prior to joining the Law Offices of Mark B. Martin, P.A., Ms. Rosenblatt worked at the Public Justice Center representing workers in class action lawsuits and engaged in legislative advocacy in the Maryland legislature.  In 2012, Alexandra’s daughter was born with Down syndrome, which changed the trajectory of her life both on a personal and professional level.  She also created a group for Baltimore City parents with children receiving special education services.